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The Seagrass Anthology published by Wirripang

The Seagrass Anthology is now available from Wirripang. The scores can be purchased as physical copies or digital downloads.

The Seagrass Anthology emerged from a month-long residency at the Minderoo Exmouth Research Lab (MERL) on the Nyinggulu (Ningaloo) Reef in Western Australia. As the Artist-in-Residence at MERL, I had the unique opportunity to shadow a dedicated team of seagrass researchers both in the field and in the lab. The anthology consists of compositions, each inspired by scientific data.


Syringodium, c.2'18, grade 4

Amphibolis antarctica I, c.0'46, grade 5

Theme & Variations, c.1'29, grade 6

Amphibolis Antarctica II, c.4'37, grade 8

Cymodocea serrulata, c.1'46, grade 7

Cassiopa, c.5'31, grade 8


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